WEBINAR: Calling All Accountants!
Choose Service Over Self-interest

A FREE webinar sponsored by CCTA and GTP
- Anjji Gabriel, CCTA President
- Matthew Gadsden of Global Trust Partners
- Gina Santos-Detera of PricewaterhouseCoopers Philippines
- Lean Jeff Magsombol of DivinaLaw
Date and Time: 14 January 2021 | 5:00-7:00 pm Manila Time
WEBINAR: Putting Your House in Order:
Practical Tips for Helping Individuals and Institutions Thrive

A 90-minute webinar sponsored by CCTA and GTP
- Gary Hoag – GTP President & CEO
- Ereny Monir – GTP VP of Training & Empowerment
- Anjji Gabriel – CCTA President
- R’Love Rojas – CCTA Administrator
Date and Time: 9 July 2020 | 7:00pm-8:30pm Philippine Time
Participants will gain practical insights in four areas. You will…
- Learn the first and most important step every individual must take to thrive
- Discover governance tips for helping your organization get going and stay on track
- Learn how expanding your measures can position your institution for fruitful thriving
- Get practical fundraising tips for growing a sustainable community of support
You are invited to join this seminar on Governance, Obedience, Discipleship organized by Center for Community Transformation, Inc. in partnership with Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, USA, and Christian Council for Transparency and Accountability, Philippines.
There are separate sessions to be held in Manila (April 6), Bacolod (April 10), and Davao (April 11). Click the city where you’d like to attend to see the flyers for more details.
Interested parties may contact either Alicia Pineda or Rachelle Pawang of CCT at the following numbers: 6542536 (landline) or 09283912677 or 09328428674 (mobile) for seat reservation.