CCTA offers learning and development solutions on Governance and Responsible Stewardship specifically for board members and key executives of Christ-centered and faith-based organizations. Through customized in-depth lectures, case studies and structured learning experiences facilitated by distinguished learning facilitators and authors recognized for their expertise, CCTA seminars aim to professionalize the practice of corporate directorship and trusteeship, and responsible stewardship of resources entrusted to them by God towards building His kingdom here on earth – helping directors make the leap from compliance to performance and commitment to their stewardship responsibility.


CCTA is a group of like-minded individuals/organizations who in partnership with Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and other accountability organizations in Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe, practicing and advocating responsible stewardship, God-honoring ethical principles, with a shared vision and a commitment to a culture of accountability, spirit of transparency and people of integrity. As a member, you can:

  • enjoy regular continuous learning, networking and fellowship events;
  • support the responsible stewardship advocacy by contributing or sharing articles in publications (e.g. Global Network Updates (published quarterly by ECFA), etc. and volunteer as resource person or subject matter expert on responsible stewardship, ethics, integrity, transparency and accountability topics
  • be recommended by CCTA to corporate boards (subject to the fit between professional qualifications and requirements of the corporation).


With the wealth of board directorship and trusteeship experience of its members, volunteers, facilitators and partners in many parts of the world, CCTA can help boards’ performance in effectively and efficiently overseeing the organizations they serve.